
Here’s what some of our clients have had to say about our practice:

It was amazing having healing work for pain, stress and healing. I am truly awed by how powerful this work is. I hope anyone who chooses to have a healing session would ask Richard Newell who has a gift at what he does!

North Merrick, NY

Nadine Scharman

I originally came for Healing Touch for stress and tension release. My sessions with Rich have given relief from these issues along with relaxation, peace, calm and balance. Each time I leave my session with Rich I am elated, joyous, balanced and relaxed. I've told many people about my sessions and hope they will take care of themselves and see Rich!! It is the best thing I do for myself!

Patchogue, NY

Tracey Iorio

I suffer stress & anxiety which is starting to affect me physically. I already go to reflexology regularly and enjoy it very much. It sounded like you could delve deeper into soothing my issues. My first session with you was very relaxing and I experienced some interesting and unusual physical sensations...all good. I left my first session feeling light and unburdened. I had to experience it again now that I knew what to expect in a session. My second session was different, I opened up more verbally which I'm sure helped you focus more on my issues, because I was more comfortable. Once again, very relaxing to a point of almost napping. The physical sensations were different and almost unexplainable but not unnerving or scary. I left my second session almost "giddy". I felt great!! I felt positive about tackling some of my stress issues and made some moves. I still feel positive, 2 weeks later, and not so overwhelmed or weighted with tension. I would very much like to continue sessions and hope to experience more positive results that may help reduce the physical influence stress & anxiety have on me.

Sayville, NY

Lisa Kahn

I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 5 years ago. Although surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation got my disease under control, this cancer is incurable. My doctor said I will most likely be on some form of treatment for the rest of my life. With that comes certain side effects; mostly nausea, joint pain, and fatigue. It is somewhat stressful so I live with a certain level of anxiety and my immune system is always compromised.

I started working with Rich to help me manage my physical side effects and anxiety. As a result, I feel I am much more balanced than I used to be. My physical symptoms have been relieved, my energy has been restored and I feel much calmer, relaxed, and hopeful.

I believe this therapy helps balance my mind, body and spirit as well as improves my immune system to allow self healing. My goal is to be able to manage my health without chemotherapy. Healing entails healing mind, body, and soul. I plan on continuing this therapy for a long time.

I highly recommend Rich and this therapy to anyone who wants to promote balance and self healing.

Massapequa Park, NY

Helen Brady

I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and since I am a very proactive individual about my health this news took me by complete and utter surprise. I just could not imagine how this could happen to me. Even though everyone told me to be positive and fight I really could not see past the moment…my thoughts at the time where all negative.

I run my own travel agency and Rich is one of my clients. I was talking to Rich on the phone one day and I starting discussing my situation. Rich then offered his services of Healing Touch. I did not know what Healing Touch was or how it could help but I thought to myself that I would try anything that might help.

My first visit with Rich was amazing…I found myself feeling complete utter relaxation…my mind was relaxed and clear for the first time since I was diagnosed with Cancer. This session brought my mind to a better place and gave me back some control to help myself through this journey.

I decided to continue receiving treatments prior to my surgery and then continued receiving treatments one week after surgery. Ten days after my surgery I saw my surgeon and he was in amazement of how well I was healing. Then I had to start chemo therapy and I felt that this was going to be the worst of everything.

I was given a chemo treatment plan of once a week for 18 weeks. I was told that with out a doubt after three weeks I would loose my hair and have many other side effects. I then scheduled weekly Healing Touch sessions with Rich for the night prior to every chemo session. Without fail I had a treatment with Rich before each chemo session and moved though each chemo session with little or no side effects.

I am at the point now where I only have five weeks left of chemo and my doctors are amazed that I do not have any major side effects. I believe that without my great faith (I pray every day) and the Healing Touch sessions with Rich I would not have gone through chemo as well as I have.

The sessions with Rich and my faith I find myself physically balanced, with positive energy and a positive mind. I will continue the Healing Touch sessions with Rich for a very long time…well after the cancer is gone for the sake of keeping my mind and body balanced. Anyone contemplating using his services let me tell you….don’t contemplate…it works.

Personalized Travel Inc.
Wantagh, NY

Mary Jane Huemmer

Having lived with pain and discomfort for many, many years, I've tried many alternative therapies, as well as the traditional route. I've found for my illnesses, degenerative arthritis and fibromyalgia, that I must couple different methods to feel any sense of relief. Rich was recommended to me by a friend and so I thought I'd try his approach to healing, as I had minimal experience with healing touch. I think one has to be open and accept that others have special gifts and respect that fact, if you decide to try anything out of the norm.

I visited with Rich for several sessions and found almost immediately a lightness and relief in my areas of pain. I was amazed that he could sense, while working on me, where he needed to spend additional time without my telling him..."yes, it really hurts there!" After each session, I was convinced that this form of healing was legitimate, for me at least, and would suggest it to anyone living with or struggling through an illness, pain or side affects from the strong drugs one takes to help cure them.

Farmingdale, NY

Marilyn Rogers