About Us

What is Healing What is Healing Touch?

Healing Touch is a non- invasive energy therapy that assists in balancing the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health and well-being. Healing Touch works with the body’s energy system restoring balance and harmony on an energetic level to support the natural healing process in all aspects of health. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony with traditional medical care and other complementary modalities to support and enhance patient and self-care. Offered at an increasing number of hospitals across the country, Healing Touch therapy is practiced in many areas of health care ranging from stress and pain management, medical/surgical care, hospice, pediatric and geriatric care, labor and delivery, and cancer treatment. This gentle therapy helps restore balance refreshing the body, mind and spirit.

To find out more
Call for an appointment (516) 508-3302
Email: LongIslandEnergyTherapy@gmail.com

Richard and Leslie Newell