Easing the Debiliating Effects for Those Suffering From Dementia

SunflowerHealing Touch can significantly lower agitation levels and improve behavioral response in persons with dementia.

Dementia is a loss of brain function that occurs with certain diseases.  It affects memory, thinking, language, and judgment and can cause changes in behaviors and personality.  Some behavioral changes may be caused by the actual deterioration happening in a person’s brain, while other behavioral and personality changes may be reactions to the emotional challenges of coping with the deterioration changes.  Dementia may lead to depression, aggression, confusion, frustration, anxiety, a lack of inhibition and disorientation.  Most types of dementia are non-reversible. 

Heart-Centered Compassionate Care During the Dying Process

DoveThe dying process can exert significant emotional pain on the person and their family and loved ones.  Healing Touch provides heart-centered compassionate care and welcome comfort during the dying process.

The days and hours leading to the moment of death can be rich with meaning and expressions of love.  When a person is close to death, a natural series of changes occur.  These changes usually are not medical emergencies and the goal is to keep the dying person as comfortable as possible. 

Reversing the Effects of Long-Term Depression and Anxiety

TreeHealing Touch has been shown to decrease the effects of long-term depression as well as the anxiety and depression often brought on by illness and even medical procedures.

Anxiety and depression are very common in today’s global society. The effects of these disorders can create personal, family, and community hardship.  Healing Touch helps alleviate some of that suffering.