Q: How many sessions are recommended?

A:  The number of sessions for Healing Touch is dependent upon the needs of the client. Often for a new client, three treatments are scheduled. After each session, the client’s needs are reassessed to plan the care appropriately. This will include the need for further treatments, referrals to other professionals, and instruction in self care as needed and in collaboration with the wishes of the client.

Q: How often would I have to be seen?

A:  If you have an acute condition such as recent surgery or a recent injury, more benefit is derived by a Healing Touch treatment daily or every other day for three to five visits.
If you have a chronic condition, the practitioner will suggest that you be seen once a week for three to five weeks as it sometimes takes up to three visits for there to be a noticeable benefit.

Q: How soon will I notice results?

A:  The energy shifts immediately with the integration, like a light being turned on in a dark room. The overall feeling of relaxation is commonly experienced. Pain relief is often reported after one session. Most people report that they feel much “lighter” after the session. That is because they literally are! Emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, etc. are often released. Once released, the void where those emotions were formerly held may be automatically filled with light, truth, love, forgiveness, and joy. With some issues, you will immediately notice they are no longer there because you are not worried about them anymore. That worry is replaced by peace. With other issues, although the energetic changes are in place, you may not  recognize the change right away.