Finally, Relief From Back and Neck Pain

There are specific Healing Touch techniques to address problems of the back and neck that can decrease pain and improve range of motion.

Back and neck problems are very common and can create significant stress and disability in those who are experiencing pain from these conditions.

Feel Better & Heal Faster – Getting Yourself Back to Normal After Surgery

PinkFlowerHaving grown out of the professional nursing practice, Healing Touch has a long history of helping patients before and after surgery to reduce stress and pain and to improve recovery from surgery.  The end result is you feel better and heal faster so you can get back to your normal life.

The response of the human body to surgery can be varied and affect many of its systems from a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspective.  For instance, stress related to fear of the outcome or recovery from surgery can slow the overall healing process and increase the recovery time. 

Living Pain Free the Healing Touch Way

iStock Hand HeartThere are many Healing Touch techniques that are specific for dealing with and reducing or eliminating both acute and chronic pain.  Healing Touch can be a supplemental approach to conventional medicine or even an effective tool when other approaches are not successful.

Pain takes many forms; it can be extreme, like that from a severe injury or medical procedure; pain can be a warning to your brain that you have extended your body’s limits; or